Contact Us
OSC - One Click Solutions.
Company built for one purpose only - simplify your lives, by giving you One Click Solutions to every day problems.
Our first product is Phone Finder .
Phone finder is brilliant Bluetooth device allows you to find your phone in just one click. Once clicked, your phone will ring, vibrate and flash so that you can find it. Also, if your phone is out of range (more than 50 feet / 15 meter away), visit our website to locate your phone on the map.
Company built for one purpose only - simplify your lives, by giving you One Click Solutions to every day problems.
Our first product is Phone Finder .
Phone finder is brilliant Bluetooth device allows you to find your phone in just one click. Once clicked, your phone will ring, vibrate and flash so that you can find it. Also, if your phone is out of range (more than 50 feet / 15 meter away), visit our website to locate your phone on the map.
One Click Solutions (OCS)
Address: Hibner 44
City: Petah Tikva
Country: ISRAEL
ZIP code: 4940048
Email: [email protected]
TEL: +972-50-4855653
FAX: +972-72-255-5158
City: Petah Tikva
Country: ISRAEL
ZIP code: 4940048
Email: [email protected]
TEL: +972-50-4855653
FAX: +972-72-255-5158